During my short life I have the privilege to say I’ve had the most amazing traveling experiences. And if there’s something I’ve learnt, it’s how to travel like a pro. Here are some tips that’ll help you become a savvy traveller.

OK, number 1 may seem obvious to most of you reading this article since you’re already interested in traveling and chances are, you have been on holiday at least once in your life. But many make the common mistake to forget to do proper research on the type of hostel they’ll be staying at. Because not all hostels are the same, in fact, you’ve got quite a variety of hostels to choose from, depending on the type of holiday you’re looking for.
If you’re looking for a nice relaxing stay away from the hustle and bustle of the city, you could stay at a private room in a quiet area of town. Or perhaps you’d like to get absolutely smashed with your mates at a party hostel, where pub crawls and morning-after regrets are guaranteed. I tend to stay at hostels where there’s lots of activities involved, even if it ends up in me losing one of my contact lenses and thinking I’ve lost my phone somewhere in the snow in Tallin, Estonia. There’s also family-friendly, pet-friendly, and even drug-friendly hostels, it all depends on what you’re looking for, as I mentioned earlier.

The tricky thing about hostels is that the highest price doesn’t always equal the highest quality. And neither does reputation. I remember staying at a well-known party hostel in Copenhagen in the middle of summer. Granted, it was going to be busy. But dodging drunk tourists is never fun. Especially when you’re dragging a massive suitcase around on your way to check in.
You really need to check other people’s reviews on websites such as hostelworld.com or hostelbookers.com. Or even on tripadvisor.com but never rely on the hostel’s own website alone. Lastly, I’d definitely recommend spending a few pounds/dollars/euros extras a night for a more central location. There’s usually better transport around and more facilities available.
Source: wander.media
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